Bromcom: What data is pulled through?

SchoolCloud Parents Evening integrates with Bromcom to allow data to be read from the management system to SchoolCloud. This helps to make the setup of your system much easier. This guide goes through the things we pull through on the Bromcom sync, along with required criteria.

Object Data Used Criteria Comments
  • Preferred Firstname/Firstname (field type can be set by us)
  • Preferred Lastname/Lastname (field type can be set by us)
  • Date of Birth
  • Tutor Group
  • Year Group
  • Student ID
  • Students must have classes
  • Students need "Data Processing Consent Granted" ticked in Bromcom.
  • All data except the Student ID is shown in the Data > Students section. This ID is used to monitor changes to the student in Bromcom.
Contacts and their links to children
  • Prefix (i.e. Title)
  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Highest priority email address (can be empty)
  • Highest priority phone number (can be empty)
  • Person ID
  • Relationship
  • Contacts marked as "Mother" and "Father" will be always be synced to the system. 
  • All other contacts types must be marked as having parental responsibility.
  • Contacts must have a title, forename and surname.
  • Contacts must have one or more children assigned to them. These children must pass the criteria to be pulled through individually.
  • Contacts need "Data Processing Consent Granted" ticked in Bromcom.
  • It doesn't matter if the email or phone numbers are empty for the contacts unless you authenticate using third party SSO. If you are using SSO, you'll need to make sure the email address pulled through matches.
  • All data except the pupil and parent IDs will show in the Data > Parents section. The IDs are used to link the pupils and parents together and to track changes made to those records.
  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Title
  • Email address
  • Staff ID
  • The title, forename and surname must be set for teachers.
  • The teacher must have at least one student who fulfils the criteria in the students section above.
  • Teachers need "Data Processing Consent Granted" ticked in Bromcom.
  • Rooms are not pulled through by the Bromcom sync. You can set the room in Data > Teachers section. This will not be overwritten by the sync.
  • The email address can be empty for the teacher, however, if you are using third party SSO you'll want to make sure the email matches what you have assigned to them in your SSO provider's panel.
  • A list of Student IDs per class
  • A list of Staff IDs per class
  • Collection Name (i.e. Class code or tutor group reference)
  • Subject Name (e.g. "Art" or tutor group name)
  • Class ID
  • Type (i.e Class or Tutor Group)
  • Main Teacher
  • The class must be a "Class" or "Tutor Group"
  • The class must have at least one teacher and student assigned.
  • The teachers and students in each allocation must be present in the teachers and students sections above.
  • Classes are assigned both teachers and students and these appear under the Classes section while creating/editing an evening if they are just standard classes. If they are tutor groups, they'll appear under both the Classes and Students section.
  • The main teacher will be denoted on the Class Teachers section while creating/editing an evening. 
  • All data here can be extracted using the Export Classes button in the Data Dashboard.
  • Student ID
  • Group Name
  • Group ID
  • Group Type
  • The student must be present in the student section above.
  • The group must be assigned at least one student.
  • A group can be either a house, year, custom or band group.
  • Bromcom groups are set up as collections.
  • Group data is not always as easily available. If you need to know which groups each student is in, please get in touch with us.
  • Groups do not have assigned teachers.

What to do if data doesn't come through

We are limited in what we can do with data from Bromcom but we're happy to assist you as much as we can. Please get in touch with SchoolCloud by sending an email to letting us know what you're expecting to come through. We'll be able to check the data on our end.