How to indicate that a translator/interpreter is needed

You can allow parents to indicate that they will require a translator/interpreter when they attend your evenings. This setting is off by default but can be enabled via  Settings > School Settings then scrolling down the page to tick the Allow parents to indicate if they'll need a translator for their evening visits box. How the school then provides that translator service is a matter for the school themselves, but for video appointments see this guide for some useful tips. 

Remember to click the  Save button to make your change live.

Once enabled, parents that log in to make bookings see a  Translator Details box at the foot of the page where they choose the teachers that they wish to see.

If the parent ticks this box then teachers and administrators will see a globe icon next to the parents name when they view the appointments.

PLEASE NOTE: When that parent logs in again in future this box will remain ticked by default for them, even if you have unticked the box in Settings. If you need it removed from that parent's account, please contact