How to view and print the appointments made for an Evening
Note: If you would rather view an overall grid of teacher availability and appointments for your evening please see Viewing an overall grid of teacher availability and appointments.
View and Print Appointments made for an Evening
From the Administrator Homepage select Parents' Evenings on the navigation bar at the left of the screen. From there, select the desired evening.
Once in the evening you can click Manage Appointments on the navigation bar or in Common Actions:
Appointments can be viewed on screen for a specific Teacher, Parent or Student. Select the relevant name under the Teacher, Parent or Student drop downs.
If the name you are looking for does not appear in the drop down they have not been included in the set up of the evening or do not yet have an appointment.
Once selected the bookings will appear on screen.
You can print the resulting list of appointments by clicking on Print from the top of the page or select Export if you would rather export the details to a .CSV file.
To print off all bookings for your Evening select Bulk Print.
Select the details that you wish to print.
Select Date - if you have appointments over multiple dates, choose the one required.
Bulk Print For - choose from Students, Teachers or Parents.
Print Order - select your preferred order choice.
Text Size - allows you to choose Small, Normal or Large.
Include Note - if selected the notes made on the bookings will show on the print.
Include Room - if selected the room details will appear on the print.
Include Description - if selected the Information text entered for the evening is included.
If you would prefer to export all the appointments made for an evening you can do this by clicking Export All Bookings. This will download a .CSV file that you can open or save.