ManageBac - setting up integration with ManageBac

This guide will walk you through synchronising your Tes Parents' Meetings with ManageBac and keeping the data up to date.

Setting up ManageBac integration

Note: This section only needs to be followed if you are setting your system up for the first time or your ManageBac details have changed. If the integration is already set up please follow the Syncing your data from ManageBac section below.

A: In ManageBac

  1. Log into your ManageBac admin account.
  2. Go to Settings at the top right.
  3. Under the Account section, select Develop:
  4. On the left panel, select API Manager:
  5. You can then create a new API Token using the Add New Token button to the right.
  6. When creating the new token, you are asked which permissions it should have.
    Tes Parents' Meetings requires the following read-only permissions:

  7. Once the key is created, go back to the API V2 page and click the clipboard icon next to the new token. This copies that key and allows you to paste it into your Tes Parents' Meetings when required in the steps below.

Integration with Tes Parents' Meetings

Send an email to requesting the integration be set up - please include the following details:

  • ManageBac Subdomain - this is usually your school
  • ManageBac API Token - the token for the newly created Public API
  • ManageBac API Base URL - this should be unless your school is located in China, in which case set this to

We will complete the Managebac set up and run the first sync of your system. Once this has completed successfully we will advise you of this by email.

Syncing your data from ManageBac

Once ManageBac integration is set up you can run a sync from ManageBac at any time. We recommend doing so whenever you are setting up a new evening/event to ensure your data is up to date. 

You can also run a sync if you have new or changed data in ManageBac that needs to be brought into SchoolCloud - including when you have a live evening/event. Be aware that if a teacher or student is removed by running a sync then any bookings involving them would be deleted from the system.

You can run a sync to load the current data from ManageBac into your system whenever you need to by going to the navigation bar, clicking on Data then the sync button: